NZ Herald 30 June 2012
Q&As: How to reduce the cost of medical insurance — and other insurance; Do tax and morality mix?; Poor communications a good reason to skip a KiwiSaver provider.
Q&As: How to reduce the cost of medical insurance — and other insurance; Do tax and morality mix?; Poor communications a good reason to skip a KiwiSaver provider.
Angry readers react. I don’t think I’ve ever received as many letters about this column as I did after the last one about KiwiSaver. A man is cross with me, a woman is cross with the government, and others are confused, curious, or want to make a point.
Q&As: Taxes are everywhere. But let’s not get carried away with the pessimism; On taxation and morality; 2 Q&As about how to handle KiwiSaver accounts in retirement.
Many KiwiSavers contribute too much or too little. Some people are putting too much into KiwiSaver- arguably anyway. Meanwhile, others contribute nothing or too little to get the most out of the scheme, and would be rewarded for taking steps to change that in the next two weeks.
Q&As: Why people shouldn’t cheat in KiwiSaver; A reader is irritated about slow tax information and the policy on PIR tax rates…; …While another reader sings the praises of Inland Revenue; 3 Q&As about KiwiSaver tax credits for people approaching their fifth anniversary in the scheme.
Q&As: Having trouble with your tax return? Ask Inland Revenue; More to come in this column on KiwiSaver, even if some readers don’t like it; Cheating on KiwiSaver if you’re overseas, and how you might get caught; 2 Q&As on the fact that everyone — including those who turn 65 — gets 5 years of KiwiSaver incentives; Charity operates in Christchurch AND overseas.
Let’s educate our way out of 500%+ loans. When I first saw “Annual interest rate 547.50%” on a New Zealand website offering loans, I thought there’d been a mistake. But no. That’s the rate for a small, short-term cash loan from
Q&As: Should charity begin at home?; Advisers may not be the best source on comparing KiwiSaver providers — so how should you do it?; Can a landlord get KiwiSaver first home help?…; …And can a son who buys an expensive home with his Dad?; An accountant questions Housing NZ policy.
Q&As: Reader dislikes “user pays” attitude and has a message for last week’s self-proclaimed bigot; Volunteers sought for overseas work and adventure; Why young person who has moved to Australia might want to keep contributing to KiwiSaver; Rules flexible for overseas KiwiSavers wanting to return to NZ to buy a first home; A bank seems to be listening.
The older you are, the better the deal in KiwiSaver. Wake up and smell a more comfortable retirement, middle-agers! A survey released today shows that no-longer-youthful New Zealanders are less likely to be in KiwiSaver and more critical of the scheme. And yet arguably they get the best deal out of it.