Articles & Audio

NZ Herald 13 September 2014

Q&As: How would Labour’s proposed variable KiwiSaver contributions rate work?; Labour’s capital gains tax and… shares; …public submissions before the tax is enacted; …how inheritances would be treated; …family homes and baches in a trust; …using part of the home for business; …its effect on house prices; …its effect on rents.

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NZ Herald 30 August 2014

Q&As: Lessons for investor after double whammy hits index fund; Is now a good time to get into an index fund?; Details of Labour’s capital gains tax yet to come; A tax idea that probably wouldn’t work; How did retired widow get such a big KiwiSaver balance?

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NZ Herald 23 August 2014

Q&As: Poor performance not a good reason to switch KiwiSaver funds; The pros and cons of a capital gains tax; Too little info on Labour’s capital gains tax?; Would the tax allow for inflation? Yes and no.

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NZ Herald 16 August 2014

Q&As: How Labour’s proposed capital gains tax would work; Complications on withdrawing KiwiSaver money in retirement; Reader’s choice years ago affects his pension; Second thoughts on Canadian pensions and NZ Super; Why campaign calls for different tax on KiwiSaver and term deposits.

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NZ Herald 9 August 2014

Q&As: Now is the time to buy a car, says industry expert; Correction on how Labour would tax KiwiSaver; Clarifying proposed tax change to KiwiSaver; Could incentives go if KiwiSaver becomes compulsory?; Employer contributions to KiwiSaver reduced by tax; How overseas pensions funded by payroll deductions interact with NZ Super.

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NZ Herald 2 August 2014

Q&As: Would Labour’s capital gains tax affect KiwiSaver; How KiwiSaver is taxed, and how that might change; Another view on how fast new cars depreciate; 2 Q&As about other criteria for choosing a new car; Is NZ Super fair?

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NZ Herald 26 July 2014

Q&As: Insuring KiwiSaver against losses in last year an idea worth considering; Disagreement on the rate at which cars depreciate; A good car buying strategy; Reader is confused about overseas pension and NZ Super; What countries your spouse worked in can also affect your NZ Super.

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NZ Herald 19 July 2014

Q&As: Tips from an expert on buying a car; Splitting your KiwiSaver money between two of the provider’s funds; Might KiwiSavers see their NZ Super reduced?; An idea on how to blend NZ Super and the German pension.

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NZ Herald 12 July 2014

Q&As: Could money in a bank-run KiwiSaver be transferred to pay debt owed to the bank?; No easy way out for reluctant KiwiSaver member; Could long-ago OE in Australia mean Aussies pick up a New Zealander’s pension tab?; Reader’s Australian pension amounts to $1 to $2 a week; Keeping a list of your jobs is helpful when you later apply for NZ Super; How to negotiate over buying a precious car.

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