NZ Herald 7 March 2015
Q&As: Some ideas better than others for those worried about bank deposits; Reader scares friends unnecessarily; How to even out loans to siblings in a will; “Only thing my girls are getting is an education”.
Q&As: Some ideas better than others for those worried about bank deposits; Reader scares friends unnecessarily; How to even out loans to siblings in a will; “Only thing my girls are getting is an education”.
Q&As: Why are NZ banks following the lead of their Aussie parents?; Should reader spread money over several banks, just in case?; Two readers have no sympathy for younger daughter in recent Q&A, but…; Another reader’s idea is more harmonious; Auckland house prices too high? Try Taupo.
Q&As: Do bank bonds beat term deposits for savings for a house?; Does separated woman taking a risk remaining in the family home?; 3 Q&As about a father’s loan to a daughter and sibling rivalry.
Q&As: How to let both daughters in on the deal; Did “holidaying” KiwiSaver miss out?; Could KiwiSaver money be grabbed because hubby’s running up debts?; Student loan repayments can continue into retirement; Some tips for last week’s separated woman.
Q&As: Can 57-year-old separated woman on low income get a mortgage?; Should move from term deposits to balanced fund be done all at once?; Ditto for move to higher-risk KiwiSaver fund; How to get independent advice — on paying down the mortgage.
Q&As: Kicked out of KiwiSaver for joining when too old; Is now the time to get out of Auckland property and into shares? Who knows?; Aspiring home buyer’s plan highly risky.
Q&As: Couple gets a second chance for the KiwiSaver first home subsidy; Where to get info on ethical KiwiSaver funds; An ethical KiwiSaver fund with a difference; Thanks to readers throughout the year.
Q&As: New Zealanders are ‘all talk and no action’ on ethical funds; Don’t try to time markets with your KiwiSaver account; Why we need a capital gains tax; Why rental property should be taxed like other businesses; Landlords not necessarily admirable, but…
Q&As: Term deposit interest not so bad for people in retirement; How much in savings to get income equal to NZ Super?; Reader challenges my comment about landlords’ tax.
Q&As: Do landlords take advantage of others less fortunate?; How KiwiSaver members are protected from losing their money; Inland Revenue got it wrong last week about interest deductions on family loans; Meaningful Christmas gifts.