NZ Herald 28 May 2016
Q&As: ‘Ripped off’ reader should shop around rather than dropping life insurance; How to judge a KiwiSaver fund; Start small, and keep going; Help for woman with $100,000 in credit card debt.
Q&As: ‘Ripped off’ reader should shop around rather than dropping life insurance; How to judge a KiwiSaver fund; Start small, and keep going; Help for woman with $100,000 in credit card debt.
Q&As: Rates postponement a good option for couple; Fraud investigator writes about scams…; …And so does a victim; Vanguard not the only US index fund option.
KiwiSaver performance, and timing markets: When should we take note of KiwiSaver performance?; What’s happened since KiwiSaver started; Why shares always do best over long periods; Why timing markets doesn’t work; What to do about that.
Podcast on KiwiSaver and Decumulation Q&A. Jane Luscombe of the Commission for Financial Capability chats with Mary about what you can do with your KiwiSaver funds once you reach 65.
Q&As: Steer clear of Hong Kong share pitch; Hedging applies to most KiwiSaver investors; A way to hedge an index fund investment.
More on spreading your money around: How to diversify each type of asset; Chances of your account balance falling; Diversifying… around the world; …With mortgages; …Over time.
Q&As: Thai retirement not so cheap; Buffett not unbalanced; 3 Q&As on investing in international index funds.
Two key points about investing: 1. What should you invest in? — How to work out the right assets for you; Taking the easy way out. 2. Why diversify — and how? — Lots of shares, bonds, properties; Spreading over different types of assets.
Q&As: The richest ones don’t look rich; Why index share fund fees are higher in NZ; Another way to invest in Smartshares; Why NZ investors are hit particularly hard by inflation.