The Investor 2 October 2007
Big bad government unlikely to spoil KiwiSaver. Every now and then, someone says to me, “The government must be paying you for all that favourable publicity about KiwiSaver”. It’s not, of course. And in any case, my coverage has been far from totally positive. As I’ve often said, KiwiSaver distorts savings decisions, because you can save only in certain types of vehicles. Also, the government — in other words the taxpayers — is paying many KiwiSaver members thousands of dollars to do saving they would do anyway. True, other members will save more because of KiwiSaver, but whether the whole thing is cost effective remains to be seen. The scheme is far from perfect, then. However, I can’t go along with some of the cynicism I’m hearing about how current or future governments might treat people who have signed up for KiwiSaver — with the speaker concluding that it’s not a good idea to join.