Articles & Audio

NZ Herald 15 December 2007

Q&As: Courses and grants help beneficiaries set up their own businesses; Big earner is wrong to think KiwiSaver is not for him; Why KiwiSaver money sits around at Inland Revenue for several weeks — although at least it earns interest.

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The Investor 11 December 2007

Can’t afford KiwiSaver? That’s unlikely. A reader protests that, despite my suggestion that everyone under 65 should sign up to KiwiSaver, “reality has it that not many of us can afford it!”

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NZ Herald 1 December 2007

Q&As: In defence of so many questions about KiwiSaver — and a challenge to readers; Getting the best out of KiwiSaver for a non-earning wife and college kids; Getting the best out of KiwiSaver for an early retiree on a low income.

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The Investor 27 November 2007

How same is the same housing market? A reader has taken issue with a comment in my last column that “the vast majority of current homeowners… could just sit out a plunge in house prices, or else sell and buy in the same market and suffer no loss.”

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NZ Herald 24 November 2007

Q&As: Eggs in baskets don’t really apply to term deposits, but there’s another way to diversify; Taxing options if you take flatmates in to help you pay the mortgage; 2 Q&As on how to make the most of KiwiSaver if you are in and out of the work force.

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The Investor 13 November 2007

Preparing for a possible property price plunge. The volume of house sales is slowing. Houses are taking longer to sell. And some apartment prices are falling. What if house prices are next to fall?

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NZ Herald 10 November 2007

Q&As: Is now a good time for a 36-year-old to buy a house? And if so, should it be a bigger house, so she can take in tenants?; Four Q&As on how KiwiSaver works — or doesn’t work — for those living overseas or planning to live overseas.

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