NZ Herald 29 September 2018
Q&As: Don’t be too tough on payday lenders, reader says; Couple in 50s could sell their home and become renters…; …or sell it and move somewhere cheaper; Should inheritance go into KiwiSaver?
Q&As: Don’t be too tough on payday lenders, reader says; Couple in 50s could sell their home and become renters…; …or sell it and move somewhere cheaper; Should inheritance go into KiwiSaver?
Q&As: Reverse mortgages not usually good in your 50s, but maybe for this couple; 89-year-old’s plan includes a reverse mortgage; ‘Victim’ reluctant to complain about payday lender; Sharped-eyed reader makes some points about last week’s column.
Ethical (or responsible) investing: What we say versus what we do — Survey on New Zealanders’ views; But are we acting on those views?; Why not, and what can be done about it; Avoid “bad” companies or engage with them?; One worry — keep an eye on fund risk.
Q&As: KiwiSaver first home grants seem impossible on the Coromandel; Setting up Airbnb studio fairly risky for 68-year-old; Should retiree get into direct share investing?; 52-year-old should get into KiwiSaver.
Q&As: Where did that number come from?; Important new info planned for KiwiSavers.
Q&As: Family rescues woman from ‘loan shark’; Couple should concentrate on reducing mortgage; Should couple be with same KiwiSaver provider?; KiwiSaver review good but not ideal; Money Week coming.