NZ Herald 12 September 2009
Q&As: One reader loathes KiwiSaver, while the next one loves it. But both don’t fully understand it; A former hippie gets a bit carried away.
Q&As: One reader loathes KiwiSaver, while the next one loves it. But both don’t fully understand it; A former hippie gets a bit carried away.
Performance pay not as good as it sounds. Here’s a radical idea: pay financial advisers according to the performance of the investments they put you in. Sounds appealing, but would it work?
Q&As: Delaying joining KiwiSaver can mean you’ll miss out on many thousands of dollars; How retired person can get the best out of KiwiSaver; Couple should use PIEs to make the most of their savings.
Q&As: Just because a so-called financial expert is confident, that doesn’t mean he or she is right; If you haven’t worked for a while any time in the last five years, you may well be in for a tax refund; Don’t delay joining KiwiSaver, even if you’re worried that you could be made redundant; KiwiSaver tax credit lark for the newly retired is too good to be true.
Secrets of real estate agents. Sorry — this is my third column in a row about real estate commissions. It’s just that readers keep responding. Lately it’s been agents or former agents, letting us in on their secrets.
Q&As: Wealth doesn’t have to equal filth — New Zealanders’ attitude to money may leave them more worried about financial issues; Take your pick between share fund managers who try to outperform the market and those who don’t; Members of work super schemes can do well by also being in KiwiSaver.
Q&As: Reader explains why he won’t invest in shares; Data suggest New Zealand doesn’t actually over-invest in property; New Zealanders’ lack of interest in shares hurts more than just individuals; Help is available for horseracing “addict”.
Readers love or loathe real estate fee idea. The subject of real estate commissions brings out strong emotions — as reader response to my last column shows.
Q&As: 2 Q&As on whether New Zealanders over-invest in property; Is 50 too old to take out a mortgage?
Q&As: Reader’s sad story about racing tips company; Horse breeder and racer gives his perspective on tips companies; When is a KiwiSaver cash fund not a cash fund?