
The Investor 30 January 2010

Oh no, oh no, it’s off to work we go. Returning to work after a holiday is rarely easy. Back when I was employed — as opposed to self employed — I remember always feeling as if I were in the wrong job on my first few days back at work.

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NZ Herald 29 August 2009

Q&As: Just because a so-called financial expert is confident, that doesn’t mean he or she is right; If you haven’t worked for a while any time in the last five years, you may well be in for a tax refund; Don’t delay joining KiwiSaver, even if you’re worried that you could be made redundant; KiwiSaver tax credit lark for the newly retired is too good to be true.

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The Investor 21 April 2009

Sloppy thinking unfair to immigrants, 2-worker families. Every time the economy is looking iffy, people start saying, “Stop immigration,” or even, “Send home the immigrants.” Their reason: “They’re stealing our jobs.” This is sloppy economic thinking — not looking down the track at the consequences of a policy change.

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NZ Herald 6 September 2008

Q&As: Family of five should go with several different KiwiSaver providers to compare them; Last week’s look at the effects of gearing was deliberately simplified — and it probably didn’t make too much difference; Two poetic reactions to last week’s poem; Parliament move ends wait for woman not wanting to sign a work contract that treats KiwiSavers differently.

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NZ Herald 30 August 2008

Q&As: A poem from the past shows how our attitudes to debt have changed. Will they change back again?; Reader wonders how long she has to wait for the government to change the law about employer KiwiSaver contributions.

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NZ Herald 2 August 2008

Q&As: 3 Q&As on whether New Zealand should raise GST and reduce income tax — including how some farmers cheat on their taxes, and whether we want to encourage people to work longer hours; Why KiwiSaver providers are highly unlikely to suffer the same fate as many finance companies.

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NZ Herald 3 May 2008

Q&As: Measuring movements of the Kiwi dollar against the US dollar can be quite misleading; Last week’s boss responds to my response to him!; KiwiSaver tough on small businesses; Many reasons to use Indian labour rather than NZ labour; NZ workers not so bad.

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NZ Herald 15 December 2007

Q&As: Courses and grants help beneficiaries set up their own businesses; Big earner is wrong to think KiwiSaver is not for him; Why KiwiSaver money sits around at Inland Revenue for several weeks — although at least it earns interest.

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NZ Herald 13 January 2007

Q&As: Options for a newly retired couple with $200,000 and no home include part-time work, buying a home with a flat attached, an interest-only mortgage and equity release; Two Q&As on which investments are affected by the new tax law on international shares, and how it will work for investors.

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