
NZ Herald 29 August 2015

Q&As: Retired couple paying for rest home now wish they had spent more earlier; Are NZ Super recipients beneficiaries?; Reader thinks it’s bad to eat into capital in retirement; How couple might set up a first home account.

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NZ Herald 16 May 2015

Q&As: Could Auckland house price plunge cause a banking meltdown?; Single mum can’t get daughter into KiwiSaver because of missing father; Employer shouldn’t have signed up 15-year-old to KiwiSaver without parents’ consent; Living on just NZ Super is the high life for this reader.

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NZ Herald 9 May 2015

Q&As: Too hard for some children to join KiwiSaver; Why reader has two very different KiwiSaver balances; Do 20-somethings have a ‘sense of entitlement’? And will they get NZ Super?; Advice for the young from a new retiree.

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NZ Herald 18 October 2014

Q&As: For the 17-year-old who has everything he wants: a course about shares; A free budget tool for readers to try; Woman on parental leave can still take part in KiwiSaver; Fees on retirement scheme way too high.

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NZ Herald 16 August 2014

Q&As: How Labour’s proposed capital gains tax would work; Complications on withdrawing KiwiSaver money in retirement; Reader’s choice years ago affects his pension; Second thoughts on Canadian pensions and NZ Super; Why campaign calls for different tax on KiwiSaver and term deposits.

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NZ Herald 9 August 2014

Q&As: Now is the time to buy a car, says industry expert; Correction on how Labour would tax KiwiSaver; Clarifying proposed tax change to KiwiSaver; Could incentives go if KiwiSaver becomes compulsory?; Employer contributions to KiwiSaver reduced by tax; How overseas pensions funded by payroll deductions interact with NZ Super.

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NZ Herald 2 August 2014

Q&As: Would Labour’s capital gains tax affect KiwiSaver; How KiwiSaver is taxed, and how that might change; Another view on how fast new cars depreciate; 2 Q&As about other criteria for choosing a new car; Is NZ Super fair?

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