NZ Herald 3 March 2012
Q&As: How to plan retirement savings if you don’t want to own a home; Family in last week’s column must have muddled their language a little; If you’ve lived in Australia, applying for NZ Super may not be straightforward.
Q&As: How to plan retirement savings if you don’t want to own a home; Family in last week’s column must have muddled their language a little; If you’ve lived in Australia, applying for NZ Super may not be straightforward.
Q&As: How much financial support a reader gives their student son; Two banks offer mortgages that get around problems with revolving credit loans; An accountant’s offer boosts reputation of the profession; Two Q&As about means testing of NZ Super in some circumstances, and how KiwiSaver fits in; Yes, there are plenty of companies that don’t pay dividends.
Q&As: A disadvantage of revolving credit mortgages — it can be hard to keep track of your money; Should John Banks and co. have shared the profits on the sale of their KiwiSaver scheme with members?; The one situation in which NZ Super is affected by your KiwiSaver account; A call for info about student spending.
Q&As: Are corporate boxes at the rugby tax deductible, and is that fair?; A quick easy way to see how far a retirement nest egg will stretch; Does the average retiree get a good deal from NZ Super? Does it even make sense to ask that?; The best type of fund for a KiwiSaver in his 60s.
Q&As: What a good ad about KiwiSaver growth should and shouldn’t include; Bank ad doesn’t always quite work; Should 65-year-old worker feel guilty about getting NZ Super?; Missing pit in last week’s picture; 2 Q&As about KiwiSaver tax credits in the last year of receiving them.
Q&As: Older workers don’t take jobs away from the young; There are ways around timing problems with annuities; Last week’s angry correspondent apologises, and asks another question about how safe NZ banks are; Two readers respond to last week’s outburst; One more “set and forget” KiwiSaver fund.
Q&As: NZ stock performance over last 10 years — after adjusting for tax, inflation and, perhaps, index changes; Is the gold price bubbly?; Confusion over NZ Super when one partner is under 65.
Q&As: Should reader move to lower-risk KiwiSaver fund? Putting share plunge in perspective; Don’t try to time markets; Gold fan checks in after gold price soars, but what of his other predictions?; The one situation in which NZ Super is affected by KiwiSaver savings.
Q&As: Repaying debt should be Number One priority — with one important exception; Money can’t buy the most important things in retirement; Last week’s numbers on NZ Super were incomplete — sorry; Let’s demystify share trading, and share holding; One more advantage of owning shares.
Wanted: better insurance against outliving our savings. Imagine you’re heading into retirement. You’ll get NZ Super, but you also have savings in KiwiSaver or elsewhere. You would like to spend that money over the rest of your life and leave the house to the kids. But — not knowing how long you will live — how can you decide how much to spend each year?