Shares and share funds

NZ Herald 19 April 2008

Q&As: Monkey story a great yarn, but it’s not about the share market; Reader’s concerns about banks’ exposure to foreign exchange risk are unfounded; 61-year-old should think hard before selling her house and enjoying some of the proceeds; Man about to retire can still get plenty from KiwiSaver.

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NZ Herald 8 March 2008

Q&As: A landlord’s threats are perhaps a little hasty — but he has a point; A KiwiSaver misunderstands the ups and downs of the market; Are property shares a good option for young man saving to buy his first home?

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The Investor 5 February 2008

Share plunge arguably good for KiwiSaver. Despite some irresponsible reporting, the low returns on many KiwiSaver funds in their first few months are no reason not to join up. I’d even say the rough start was good in some ways. The one big worry is that people have read a few headlines and decided to stay away from KiwiSaver without understanding what’s really happening.

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NZ Herald 2 February 2008

Q&As: Does the share price slump disprove standard investment advice? And should advisers make economic forecasts?; KiwiSaver member is doing superbly despite the slump — as are all other members; A reader objects to the idea that KiwiSaver is a gift from the government.

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NZ Herald 28 July 2007

Q&As: KiwiSaver providers that are offering ethical investment funds; More on ethical KiwiSaver funds; Will the KiwiSaver kick-start be around for a while?; Could the government take KiwiSaver money to repay student loans?; Oops! Too much haste; Sack adviser who recently recommended Bridgecorp.

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The Investor 10 July 2007

No tricks behind KiwiSaver doubling of money. A reader has “one or two problems” with my last column, in which I said people are silly not to sign up to KiwiSaver. “Your comments that ‘twice as much comes out at retirement’ and ‘triple the money in, triple the money out’… make one huge assumption — that the provider the investor chooses over time does not lose any money — a highly unlikely scenario surely!”, says the reader.

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NZ Herald 7 July 2007

Q&As: What happens to KiwiSaver accounts in a divorce?; How KiwiSaver might affect NZ Super, and what you should do about it; A source of basic KiwiSaver information; The NZ share market index that includes dividends has been misleading in the past. How much does it matter?

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NZ Herald 23 June 2007

Q&As: Nearly 65-year-old should grab chance to join KiwiSaver. People over 60 do particularly well out of it; Why dividends should be included when we look at the performance of the NZ share market.

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