
NZ Herald 12 August 2023

– Skip the bought coffee and lunch, and retire with heaps more
– Stick with funds despite high term deposits rates
– Three Q&As on grandchildren and inheritances
– Sorted Money Month

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RNZ Radio 22 June 2023

It’s OK to give up on ever owning a home.
– Home ownership falling — people need family help to buy
– It can work to be a long-term renter
– Advantages of renting
– But you need to save lots for renting in retirement
– Prediction — long term house prices will fall relative to incomes
– Best way to save

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RNZ Radio 8 June 2023

Kids and KiwiSaver
– You can sign them up at any time
– The rules for under 18s on government and employer contributions, when teenager gets a job etc.
– Maybe make small contributions — starts saving habit
– $10 or $20 a week could start a house deposit — not just from parents
– Changes at 18 — keep helping with contributions
– Saving for children outside KS — pluses and minuses

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RNZ Radio 27 April 2023

Setting up emergency money
– Many NZers don’t have access to emergency money
– A good tradeoff — increase hardship but gain mental health
– Imagine your pay has been cut
– Where to put emergency money
– Make use of mortgage situation

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NZ Herald 11 February 2023

– Many ways to boost retirement savings in 10 years…
– … Also be in KiwiSaver, and consider reverse mortgage
– KiwiSaver government contribution when overseas
– No thank you to this unbelievable offer
– Bank changes coming soon — and one that’s not

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NZ Herald 28 January 2023

– How solo mother can survive mortgage rate rise
– Check out all of a bank’s offerings
– Okay to raise your risk in falling market — and it’s not falling anyway
– KiwiSaver fund not doing as badly as reader thinks
– Help offered from a robot…
– … But it’s too late!

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RNZ Radio 3 November 2022

Which funds, in and out of KiwiSaver, are best at different life stages?
– It’s not actually about age
– How to set up your savings
– Best low risk investment?
– Best medium risk investment?
– Best higher risk investment?
– Review situation once a year

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NZ Herald 1 October 2022

– How to invest while living a gypsy life — for saving for anything else
– Oops! Growth funds don’t work for short-term saving
– When your money really is goneburger
– How to pick which share platform to use
– Why 4 “good” shares are not performing well
– Worries over whisky

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NZ Herald 17 September 2022

– Which type of housing will grow fastest in value? Who knows?
– Should all family members be with the same KiwiSaver provider?
– How to sign up children to KiwiSaver, and how to contribute to it
– Reader suggests alternative investment for 6-year-old with inheritance
– When older people can still get a mortgage

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NZ Herald 10 September 2022

– There’s still hope for scam victims
– Gloomy reader was wrong one year later, and 11 years later!
– Retired couple’s two worries — fluctuating KiwiSaver and access to the money
– What to do with 6-year-old’s inheritance

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