
NZ Herald 13 January 2007

Q&As: Options for a newly retired couple with $200,000 and no home include part-time work, buying a home with a flat attached, an interest-only mortgage and equity release; Two Q&As on which investments are affected by the new tax law on international shares, and how it will work for investors.

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The Investor 11 April 2006

Another reason to spread your investments. I can think of three good reasons to hold lots of different shares, as opposed to one or just a few. Two reasons are obvious, but one is less so, even though it may be just as important.

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The Investor 28 March 2006

What we don’t know CAN hurt us. One of the first things journalists are taught is to make the first sentence of an article a “grabber”, something that will perhaps surprise readers and make them read on. So this column is officially starting now: Every New Zealander over 65 gets NZ Super, no matter how rich they are.

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Holm Truths Autumn 2005

Moving the goalposts: Working part-time in retirement makes a huge difference to how much you need to save. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Is home ownership so great?

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