Psychology of money

NZ Herald 20 July 2024

– Let’s get beneficiaries into KiwiSaver
– Tax issues when couple buy parents’ house and rent it to them
– How to find a good adviser
– 2 Q&As on the pluses of Lotto — and one minus

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NZ Herald 13 July 2024

– Competitions a better bet than Lotto
– Reader dislikes my lottery winning ideas…
– … And a not very helpful idea
– “I have nothing” — help with inheritance
– Reader’s criticisms mostly off the mark
– Self-employed reader does well in KiwiSaver

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NZ Herald 6 July 2024

– Winning a lottery not so great
– Keep that gift easily accessible
– Boomer unhappy with last week’s column
– KiwiSaver for self-employed
– Will BNZ term PIEs still be “insured”?

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NZ Herald 25 May 2024

– Worried about losing your job?
– Retirement costs in New Zealand…
– … or you could move overseas
– Better uses of credit card rewards
– Alternative to health insurance?
– Public v private health care

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RNZ Radio 16 May 2024

Insights from conference on financial capability:
– Behavioural scientist’s tips on goal setting, importance of framing, watch those one-time expenses!
– Mostly positive comments from experts
– How one Porirua East project is doing great work

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NZ Herald 27 April 2024

– 2 Q&As on whether to sell investments to pay down debt
– Should family use more than one KiwiSaver provider?
– How bitcoin and gold are taxed
– Let’s stop tax bracket creep

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NZ Herald 9 March 2024

– Help for couples with different attitudes to money
– Where to save for a baby’s future
– Worries about S&P500 index funds …
– … Investing in many index funds
– Did NZ Super Fund get it wrong?
– “Clever” taxpayers like Prime Minister?

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RNZ Radio 7 March 2024

How women and men invest differently — the good and bad
– Women run everyday money better
– But financial knowledge gap increases with age
– Retirement savings gap
– Women trade less — good!
– But women take too little risk
– Good news on parental leave and KiwiSaver

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NZ Herald 2 March 2024

– Keep investing, or get rid of that debt?
– Super Fund result doesn’t put me off passive funds
– Some readers dislike last week’s chauffeur letter…
– … While others love it
– Using tax loopholes “not open to criticism”?

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NZ Herald 14 October 2023

– DIY funeral costs much less
– A better way to set up life insurance
– How life insurance helped a reader who is still alive
– It’s best to ignore fear and greed in the markets
– No tax break on KiwiSaver contributions via employer
– How to set up laddering of term deposits

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