
NZ Herald 27 October 2012

Q&As: Fortnightly mortgage payments not all they’re cracked up to be; When the overnight money goes in and out of bank accounts; How to organize retirement savings; The downside of using rental property for retirement savings; Last week’s correspondent exaggerated his woes.

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NZ Herald 13 October 2012

Q&As: Make credit card repayment your top priority; Why KiwiSaver tax credit is not as good as some people think; Revolving credit mortgage could help some unhappy ANZ customers; Reader bombs out on gold, silver, dollar forecasts.

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NZ Herald 29 September 2012

Q&As: A couple of concerns about buying shares in the company you work for; Bank’s mortgage changes don’t look like profiteering; New graduate shouldn’t bypass KiwiSaver; 3 Q&As about gloomy predictions and investing in gold.

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NZ Herald 15 September 2012

Q&As: The big question: does the doom merchant use banks?; Why NZ banks are not beloved; How couple close to retirement might be able to get a mortgage; When saving beats repaying a mortgage; Low-income reader lives a good life; Housing NZ offers help to retired people too.

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NZ Herald 14 July 2012

Q&As: Use accessible KiwiSaver money to repay credit card debt, and probably mortgage too; What exactly does growth in GDP mean?; 3 readers are unhappy with charities asking for more…; And a fourth points out how complicated it can get; An error last week about donations to St Johns?; Reader happy with his healthcare insurance.

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NZ Herald 21 April 2012

Q&As: One retired reader is fed up with a younger person’s attitude to superannuitants…; While another is amused, and thoughtful; Effect of a mortgage rate rise on house prices being underplayed; An overseas landlord must, by law, have an agent here; Bank gives wrong info on deposits into KiwiSaver.

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NZ Herald 31 March 2012

Q&As: Students get a good deal by world standards, and shouldn’t dodge student loan repayments; How come the bonds in a balanced KiwiSaver fund report losses?; Winning the tax game if you have a home and a rental property; Where to get free budget advice.

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NZ Herald 24 March 2012

Q&As: Is it better to go for the most expensive house you can, or the cheapest?; Adult son in sheltered workshop should keep up with KiwiSaver; Slight risk of holding back on using student loan repayment bonus.

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The Investor 24 March 2012

How to join the new debt cutting trend. We’re all living through three “great transitions”, said the keynote speaker at a recent conference. One transition is from West to East — with the growing emphasis on China and India, another is from analog to digital, and the third is from debt to saving. Let’s look more at that third transition.

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