
NZ Herald 1 April 2017

Q&As: University probably the best route to a new start for woman; Credit cards not linked to mortgages; Clearing up info on Residential Care Subsidy and gifting; Do small gifts count when apply for that subsidy?

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NZ Herald 2 November 2013

Q&As: Bankrupt couple could make a new start in a small town…; And another reader has an idea for a job for them…; And yet another reader suggests trying the Australian outback; How capital gains tax would work for family with two homes and trusts; Younger reader asks for a stop to school marm comments about grammar.

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NZ Herald 26 October 2013

Q&As: Why a 5-year fixed mortgage rate might be better than a 3-year one; 5 Q&As — Ideas for couple who have been through bankruptcy: take in students, do phone surveys, get a live-in position, write e-books, babysit; Grammar granny strikes opposition; Employers should respond to job applicants.

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NZ Herald 3 August 2013

Q&As: Reader’s shareholding success probably more luck than skill; There’ll always be renters, but that doesn’t mean we have to love landlords; Property investors with big debt take big risk — and why do they brag?; Older workers do take jobs from the young to some extent; KiwiSaver contributions not taken from redundancy pay; On quitting KiwiSaver to start a business.

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NZ Herald 27 July 2013

Q&As: Do older workers pinch jobs from young ones? And would new retirees spend up to avoid means testing?; Might a government force annuities onto KiwiSaver members?; How two landlords took a “nasty fall”; Is sexism raging in KiwiSaver?

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NZ Herald 21 January 2012

Q&As: 2 Q&As suggest it’s not always easy to go into the motel business, or other tourism or hospitality businesses; Should couple stop health insurance and set up their own fund to cover medical expenses?; Is KiwiSaver still worth being in, given changes that make it less attractive?

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NZ Herald 3 December 2011

Q&As: Is share buying just for the elite?; KiwiSaver first home buyer strikes a hitch — but all is well; 60-ish couple could get into rental property; Did our couple blow too much on holidays?

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NZ Herald 26 November 2011

Q&As: Are shares still the best long-term investment, despite recent results?; Investing in bank term deposits has its own risk — that of inflation eating into returns; Older job applicants might want to play down their age on their CV; Volunteering overseas an option for couple in their 60s who can’t find jobs.

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NZ Herald 19 November 2011

Q&As: The “who and how” of KiwiSaver withdrawals before retirement — including what happens if you go bankrupt; Was the recent advice on tax for buskers correct, or is their income donations?; Two readers suggest a short-term approach to employment for 60ish couple made redundant; Meaningful Christmas gifts.

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NZ Herald 12 November 2011

Q&As: Help needed for couple in early 60s who can’t find jobs; KiwiSaver member really needs to get her money out — and she should be able to; It’s always better if your KiwiSaver fund grows; Did Voltaire actually say it — and does it matter?

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