
NZ Herald 13 July 2024

– Competitions a better bet than Lotto
– Reader dislikes my lottery winning ideas…
– … And a not very helpful idea
– “I have nothing” — help with inheritance
– Reader’s criticisms mostly off the mark
– Self-employed reader does well in KiwiSaver

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NZ Herald 29 June 2024

– Why over 65s don’t get KiwiSaver government money
– Taking environmental issues into account
– Good spending in her 70s
– Income protection insurance really paid off
– 2 Q&As on grandkids’ inheritances
– Money plan at 78

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NZ Herald 15 June 2024

– Don’t watch your KiwiSaver closely
– KiwiSaver government money when you move provider…
– … And when you turn 65
– When term deposit beats mortgage paydown
– Gifts to grandkids could lead to trouble later

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NZ Herald 11 May 2024

– How much do you need for retirement? …
– … One reader is happy with not much
– Borrowing versus KiwiSaver hardship withdrawal
– Tax when bullion or crypto is inherited
– How capital gains tax could handle expenses
– Do I know enough to write this column?

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NZ Herald 10 February 2024

– Rental is draining couple’s money. Should they sell?
– A reader and I disagree over tax
– Paying tax “buys civilization”
– What about the kids in the lolly shop?
– More info on how much you can spend in retirement
– 6 Q&As about people discovering unclaimed money

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NZ Herald 23 December 2023

– Couple in their 90s find “hidden treasure”
– First home at 23, with no family help
– How to get 14-year-old into shares
– “Never give up — and know about the family finances”
– Couple very happy on $80,000 income
– How I did the maths last week

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NZ Herald 18 November 2023

– Tips for a 26-year-old on how saving for a home
– A 50% house price drop? 30% has happened
– Changes strengthen landlord argument
– Tough gifting rules for elderly care subsidy
– One way around the care subsidy rules?
– Divorce not the answer unless real

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NZ Herald 4 November 2023

– Best retirement investment — running?
– No, I’ve still not converted to market timing
– Which KiwiSaver providers have the best fund flexibility?
– More on lawyers and wills
– Care subsidy could be unfair on couples
– Warn the family they may not get the house
– Consider curbing your gifts in retirement

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RNZ Radio 28 September 2023

How to boost your saving
– Open separate account
– Set a goal
– Pay yourself first
– Start small
– Play mind games
– When expenses or taxes decrease…
– Inheritances and wins
– The pay rise promise

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NZ Herald 19 August 2023

– Cutting back on spending won’t do the harm reader expects
– Not a good reason to avoid index funds
– So the market looks worrying? Stay put!
– 2 views on giving to grandchildren
– KiwiSaver withdrawal process angers reader

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