Index funds

NZ Herald 20 November 2021

– 20-year-old could perhaps try borrowing to invest in shares
– Reader misunderstands 10-year share rule
– KiwiSaver fund a good idea for great grandson
– How KiwiSaver is taxed, and what happens the year you turn 65
– “But the cheap wine tastes better!”
– Take care with employee share ownership schemes

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NZ Herald 23 October 2021

– Why rentals may not work well in retirement — use KiwiSaver instead
– KiwiSaver fees are falling, but some are still high
– Reader tells of another dynamic “little old lady”
– It’s not easy for everyone to work into their 70s
– Family issues may affect older worker decision
– Last week’s boomer lacked understanding, reader says

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RNZ Radio 26 August 2021

Active vs Passive share funds:
– Listener’s letter suggests an active NZ fund beats the index
– Why this could be misleading – wrong index, chosen time period etc
– Research on 15 NZ active share funds
– Conclusion: passive is a better choice

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NZ Herald 17 July 2021

– A lawyer stands his ground with real estate agents
– Agent says I “have it in for” his industry
– House insurance proved its worth for reader
– I stand behind bond funds for retirement money
– Did I give a reader ‘very bad advice’?

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NZ Herald 12 June 2021

– What should siblings under 23 do with inheritance?
– Does this reader still need trauma or life insurance?
– Skip strategies to “get rich” in share market …
– … and maths won’t help you
– Share markets don’t necessarily move with economies
– KiwiSaver when you turn 18 or 65
– Covid government subsidies are taxable

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NZ Herald 29 May 2021

– Fund returns tell us little — and beware fund managers who skite!
– Reader objects to my comments about default KiwiSaver providers who are being dropped
– A warning about bank accounts and bill payments
– How son could partly own parents’ house, and use KiwiSaver to do it

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NZ Herald 27 March 2021

– Why one KiwiSaver fund has done extraordinarily well…
– … and will it — and other star performers — keep starring?
– Did I get it wrong about property managers last week?
– Is not raising rents poor business practice?
– Are pushy property managers only in Whangarei?

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NZ Herald 13 March 2021

– How family might help you buy a first home
– How to find a New Zealand-based international share fund
– Don’t worry about these complications of international share investing
– Health insurer Southern Cross answers a reader’s questions about its finances
– Win a free copy of Mary’s new book!

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NZ Herald 27 February 2021

– Share market not yet like tulip bulbs — stay invested!
– Are passive investments the next bubble? Plus a note on mis-timing the market
– Low-risk funds not all like bank term deposits
– Risk and return do go together, despite reader’s claims
– Landlords can get hit in a long-term rental

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RNZ Radio 25 February 2021

Follow-up from last time: If not paying extra off mortgage, where is best place to invest? Shares?
– But first: 2 texts commenting on last session
– Alternative investments need to be: high enough risk, long-term. Also: can you cope with volatility? Are you strong financially?
– 2 choices: property and shares. Are they over-valued?
– Rental property might work, but…
– Shares: Some people too fearful, others too brave.
– 2 ways to approach shares: trade, or hold for long term.
– 2 ways to select shares: pick individual shares, use share fund
– In a share fund, 2 styles: active and passive.

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