Holm Truths Autumn 2006
Stuff and happiness: Buying things you don’t really need. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Should a young man buy himself a house?
Stuff and happiness: Buying things you don’t really need. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Should a young man buy himself a house?
Q&As: Man panicked and bailed out of share fund. No!; Real Estate Institute denies that it’s hard to buy a house in NZ.
Q&As: Man who has made $3 million from shares; How much risk for a 53-year-old?; How good is advice from banks?
Q&As: Shares v term deposits — it depends how much time you have; Short-of-cash millionaires should try to renegotiate their mortgage; When is a 2% penalty not 2%?
Readers rally to back houses. It always happens. Whenever I write about investing in houses and shares in the same column, people say I’m unfairly negative about houses. In my final column last year, I wrote that the rise in house prices over the previous year was slower than the rise in: New Zealand shares, hedged overseas shares and unhedged overseas shares, all including dividends. That surprised me, and I thought it might surprise you.
Q&As: Should newly separated woman buy a house or rent?; Our total tax rate depends on whether we spend or save. Plus: End of year message.
Can’t see the forest for the houses?Also: Christmas shopping. Quick question: Which of the following grew fastest in the last year: New Zealand house prices, New Zealand shares, hedged overseas shares (hedging removes the effects of foreign exchange movements), or unhedged overseas shares? Surprise, surprise, it wasn’t house prices. Bigger surprise still: house prices came last.
Q&As: Woman in Australian shouldn’t sell her house here; Is the house price boom like the great tulip bulb bubble?; Couple disagree over rental property v shares.
Q&As: How well do share funds perform?; Comparison of investment performances.
Q&As: Should immigrant solo mother get into the housing market now?; What is an index fund?; How exchange traded funds work.