Homes as investments

NZ Herald 19 April 2008

Q&As: Monkey story a great yarn, but it’s not about the share market; Reader’s concerns about banks’ exposure to foreign exchange risk are unfounded; 61-year-old should think hard before selling her house and enjoying some of the proceeds; Man about to retire can still get plenty from KiwiSaver.

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The Investor 18 March 2008

Choices for those hit by mortgage rate rises. The offers are already being made to people facing big mortgage interest rises. “If your lender won’t renegotiate, we’ve got deals that will lower your payments,” they say. Are these deals any good?

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NZ Herald 9 February 2008

Q&As: Calculator tells reader to stop saving and live it up a bit; Reader who finds KiwiSaver nauseating has a scary list of things that could go wrong…; …But another one applauds KiwiSaver, while sitting on the home ownership sidelines.

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The Investor 27 November 2007

How same is the same housing market? A reader has taken issue with a comment in my last column that “the vast majority of current homeowners… could just sit out a plunge in house prices, or else sell and buy in the same market and suffer no loss.”

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NZ Herald 2 June 2007

Q&As: Student allowance rip-off is not OK; Advice for house-less Gen Xers: Buy a rental property in the provinces; Rental property buyers feel like the scourge of society; The cliché king has his say; Cardboard boxes and contentment.

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NZ Herald 12 May 2007

Q&As: Three readers defend baby boomers and suggest how today’s young could afford to buy homes; A Generation Xer speaks up for her generation; A reader worries that apartments may lose value.

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NZ Herald 5 May 2007

Q&As: Auckland houses may be unaffordable, but apartments aren’t; One man is happy with is inexpensive home; Homeowner feels anything but smug about being in the housing market; War is declared between the baby boomers and the younger generation; Last time New Zealand tried to control rents, it was disastrous.

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NZ Herald 28 April 2007

Q&As: Would-be homeowners may need to lower their standards a bit — with some help from Monty Python; Inflation hits property at least as much as share funds; Californian astounded by our “real estate mania”.

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