NZ Herald 11 August 2007
Q&As: KiwiSaver is just right for 30-year-old son having difficulty saving for his first home; Why sign up a one-year-old for KiwiSaver? Also: Some winning entries in the “KiwiSaver: How to make it work for you” giveaway.
Q&As: KiwiSaver is just right for 30-year-old son having difficulty saving for his first home; Why sign up a one-year-old for KiwiSaver? Also: Some winning entries in the “KiwiSaver: How to make it work for you” giveaway.
Q&As: How can employees get around the KiwiSaver restrictions on them, and how much should you contribute for your children?; A mother worries about whether she should sign up her children in KiwiSaver. Also: Some winning entries in the KiwiSaver book contest.
Q&As: Four readers give diverse views on whether baby boomers or Generation Xers got a better deal on tertiary education, student loans, and affordability of houses.
Q&As: Two on why many rental property investors should pay tax on their gains when they sell. It’s the law!; How to teach teens about budgeting; Allowing for tax when calculating returns on term deposits.
Excerpt from Get Rich Slow. This is the final week in which we are running excerpts from Mary Holm’s bestselling book, “Get Rich Slow: How to grow your wealth the safe and savvy way.” Mary’s regular Q&A column will resume next week.
Q&As: Man who has made $3 million from shares; How much risk for a 53-year-old?; How good is advice from banks?
Borrowing tricky between family or friends. A quote recently caught my eye. “The easiest way to teach children the value of money is to borrow some from them,” it said. But that applies not only to children. Adults, it seems, take much more notice when someone has borrowed from them than when someone has lent to them.
Kids, cash and cards: Help your children learn about money. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Saving for the children’s future.
Q&As: 2 on how families should be taxed; Should middle-income families get child care support?
Q&As: 5 on how different types if families should be taxed; Many readers sent submissions to the government on proposed changes on taxation of international shares; Am I a National Party supporter?