Cash funds

NZ Herald 6 July 2024

– Winning a lottery not so great
– Keep that gift easily accessible
– Boomer unhappy with last week’s column
– KiwiSaver for self-employed
– Will BNZ term PIEs still be “insured”?

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NZ Herald 20 April 2024

– Don’t try to time markets…
– … Even if you’re being contrary
– 2 Q&As on money lessons for teens
– Bank PIEs and government guarantee
– No capital gains tax, but we do tax some gains

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NZ Herald 13 April 2024

– A tip on teen spending
– Could growth of index funds ruin the share market?
– Do extra saving outside KiwiSaver
– Stay in high risk near retirement?
– Should capital gains be adjusted for inflation?

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NZ Herald 6 April 2024

– When investing becomes gambling
– Put withdrawal money in a cash fund
– Almost last over one year, but first over ten years
– Term deposits not so wonderful
– 2 readers disliked my response last week…
– … But 2 others loved it
– Why landlords “should be appreciated”

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NZ Herald 12 August 2023

– Skip the bought coffee and lunch, and retire with heaps more
– Stick with funds despite high term deposits rates
– Three Q&As on grandchildren and inheritances
– Sorted Money Month

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RNZ Radio 3 August 2023

Which investment? And why cash funds might be best
– Email asks: 4.5% in bank or use KiwiSaver?
– Where to put short-term, medium-term and long-term money
– What are cash funds?
– How they compare with bank term deposits
– How to find a cash fund

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NZ Herald 1 July 2023

– Term deposit website worries me
– Not easy to invest for teens without their knowing
– Clever idea for helping your child into their first home
– Readers’ stories about switching to smaller banks

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NZ Herald 24 June 2023

– Where can 16-year-old get term deposit in their own name?
– The perils of guaranteeing an adult child’s mortgage
– Budget adviser likes reverse mortgages
– Colourful quotes from Bernard Baruch
– Your story about switching banks

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NZ Herald 20 May 2023

– How to avoid the boss’s meanness — a different way to contribute to KiwiSaver
– Credit card interest rise alarming
– Don’t bail out of KiwiSaver
– Funds’ relative performance all over the place
– 2 more providers let you withdraw dividends from funds — which can work well in retirement
– A reader’s story: Lessons learnt boost confidence

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