NZ Herald Q&A Column

NZ Herald 30 August 2008

Q&As: A poem from the past shows how our attitudes to debt have changed. Will they change back again?; Reader wonders how long she has to wait for the government to change the law about employer KiwiSaver contributions.

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The Investor 19 August 2008

KiwiSaver more flexible and generous than commonly thought. Two lesser known features of KiwiSaver make it more user friendly than many people realise. They could entice non-joiners into taking part in a scheme which — after all — they are helping to fund, as taxpayers.

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NZ Herald 16 August 2008

Q&As: Advice on investment during retirement has worked for these readers; KiwiSaver contributions holidays will be easy to take; Reader dislikes last week’s answer on KiwiSaver fund performance.

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NZ Herald 9 August 2008

Q&As: Reader wants a list showing how KiwiSaver funds have performed, but I won’t oblige; Why farmers mingle their work and personal expenses; More reasons why taxing families as one unit might harm more than it helps.

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NZ Herald 2 August 2008

Q&As: 3 Q&As on whether New Zealand should raise GST and reduce income tax — including how some farmers cheat on their taxes, and whether we want to encourage people to work longer hours; Why KiwiSaver providers are highly unlikely to suffer the same fate as many finance companies.

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NZ Herald 19 July 2008

Q&As: Stop worrying about money, says former spendthrift, now in his seventies; Employee KiwiSaver can do very nicely thank you if she or he has several employers; Let’s list the KiwiSaver good guy employers, rather than the others; Employer is confused by government’s planned KiwiSaver changes.

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