NZ Herald Q&A Column

The Investor 23 October 2010

Where did the finance company money go? A reader is trying to get his head around his finance company loss. “I’m wondering if you would please consider writing an article on how investment companies lose their money — actually our money — and what happens to the money,” he writes.

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NZ Herald 23 October 2010

Q&As: With extra to pay off a mortgage, should you add to principal repayments or shorten the term of the loan?; Graph of gold price history tells some interesting stories; Transferring money from UK to New Zealand to take advantage of higher interest rates here could be risky; Under what circumstances can Inland Revenue take money out of your KiwiSaver account?

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The Investor 9 October 2010

Prospering from booze, bets, bombs and butts. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea — or perhaps I should say glass of scotch — but the performance of a US share fund called the Vice Fund suggests that investing in what other people shun can pay off.

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NZ Herald 9 October 2010

Q&As: Can a reader foresee gold and silver prices, and foreign exchange rates? Time will tell; Eggs in baskets matter as much now as ever — plus the difference between active and passive fund management; Can you invest with more than one KiwiSaver provider?; KiwiSaver for New Zealand resident with overseas employer — plus how to choose a provider.

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NZ Herald 2 October 2010

Q&As: KiwiSaver is not guaranteed by the government — but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t join; Is it wise to have your KiwiSaver account with your bank?; Banks said to be “stealing” KiwiSaver members from other providers; Does a reader who is speedily repaying her mortgage need a savings account?

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NZ Herald 25 September 2010

Q&As: Bank securities not quite what a reader was hoping for; The closing of a KiwiSaver scheme hasn’t gone as smoothly as hoped, but it’s no big deal; First home buyers should invest conservatively in KiwiSaver — plus: a painless time to join KiwiSaver.

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The Investor 25 September 2010

Are we bad savers, or was it a bad survey? A recent report on New Zealanders’ savings habits annoyed me — and not because it starts by saying that the Savings Working Group, of which I’m a member, “is likely to face a tough challenge”. What got my goat was its misleading conclusion.

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NZ Herald 18 September 2010

Q&As: The “I can’t afford it” excuse for not joining KiwiSaver just went out the window — plus other points about kids and KiwiSaver; Are managed share funds a crock?; Here’s hoping a recent correspondent is not a regular reader of this column!; A book, online tool and language trick for overspenders and their partners; You must be under 65 to join KiwiSaver, but can take part in the scheme after that age.

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NZ Herald 11 September 2010

Q&As: In these changing times, should I still recommend share investment for those with ten years before spending the money?; Another personal finance computer program — and it’s free; The advantages of using joint accounts, and of setting up enduring powers of attorney.

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