NZ Herald Q&A Column

NZ Herald 26 February 2011

Q&As: Why 55-year-old Mum shouldn’t give up on home ownership; Important to save a little, even if you have a mortgage, to gain market knowledge over the years; Banks “are just like car dealers”; Will below-market share buyer lose it all in tax?

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NZ Herald 19 February 2011

Q&As: Repaying debt should be Number One priority — with one important exception; Money can’t buy the most important things in retirement; Last week’s numbers on NZ Super were incomplete — sorry; Let’s demystify share trading, and share holding; One more advantage of owning shares.

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NZ Herald 12 February 2011

Q&As: Here’s an incentive to save for retirement; Would increasing GST have to hurt those on lower incomes?; Time to count a few blessings; Lengthening the term of a mortgage can ease payments — but at a price; Don’t let tax drive your investment decisions.

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The Investor 12 February 2011

So much for the “can’t afford to save” excuse. Practically all New Zealanders can save. If they want to. In the wake of the release of the Savings Working Group (SWG) report on February 1, various people have been saying that many New Zealanders just can’t afford to save. I don’t buy it — or should I say save it.

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NZ Herald 5 February 2011

Q&As: Should we all panic over the Savings Working Group’s dire forecasts?; Do Bill English and Alan Bollard need to talk about how hard it is for New Zealanders to save?; Why mailing nasties to companies that make low-priced share offers might not work.

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NZ Herald 29 January 2011

Q&As: 2 Q&As on whether home ownership beats renting whilst saving the difference between the two option; 2 Q&As on last week’s reader, who dramatically moved her term deposit business to another bank; How to get your own back through the post — and how not to.

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The Investor 29 January 2011

Turning interest into your friend. New Zealanders are, apparently, a fairly satisfied bunch — except when it comes to our financial situation. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

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NZ Herald 22 January 2011

Q&As: Tax cutting scheme likely to bring much more wealth to the company than to a reader; How recipients of below-market share offers can get their own back; A reader shows her bank just what she thinks of it; How is our gold price forecaster doing?; Some help with finding a good financial adviser.

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The Investor 18 December 2010

A financial gift for both the giver and recipient. Christmas or not, here’s a way you can give to someone else and also gain yourself. Sponsor an adult who is struggling financially to make the most of KiwiSaver.

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