NZ Herald 17 March 2018
Q&As: How did reader get her own home on $38,000? Extraordinary saving; Home ownership costs much more than just mortgage; Selling your home — more than one agent, commission levels, auctions; What’s a profession?
Q&As: How did reader get her own home on $38,000? Extraordinary saving; Home ownership costs much more than just mortgage; Selling your home — more than one agent, commission levels, auctions; What’s a profession?
Q&As: Low income doesn’t stop reader getting a mortgage — and a first home; One reader fails with a proposed change to real estate agents’ fees…; …but another succeeds; Mightn’t agents undervalue your property, says a reader; Mightn’t they overvalue it, says another.
Q&As: Alternative commission gives real estate agents incentive to get you a high price; Yes I was dead serious about telling woman to save less and spend more; Great granddad’s KiwiSaver gift a great idea; Ideas for 16-year-old’s inheritance; Helpful website for tiny house owners and people with land to share.
Q&As: How to tell if you’re on track with your KiwiSaver savings; Reader is saving too much, spending too little on fun; Even conservative KiwiSaver funds go negative sometimes; Allowances paid to employees not included in KiwiSaver contributions.
Q&As: It’s not crazy to buy when the share market falls; Recent volatility helps KiwiSaver members decide about their fund; KiwiSaver or term deposits for a retiree?; Withdrawals from all managed funds are tax-free; What happens to KiwiSaver tax credit in the year you turn 65?; Is internet banking safe?
Q&As: What to do when employer doesn’t make KiwiSaver contributions on overtime pay; Is it OK for employer to encourage workers to join KiwiSaver?; KiwiSaver withdrawals not taxed; Long-term share and rental property investments about equal; Better to buy a section for tiny house?; Last week’s angry reader now remorseful.
Q&As: Is a tiny house on wheels financially wise?; Young couple should go ahead and buy a home, despite the market; Last week’s binary options victim “deserves to be fleeced”; 2 Q&As about Israel’s connections to binary options; Do more bathrooms mean more use of water?
Q&As: An expensive lesson for binary options trader; Where was the interest when customer transferred money between bank accounts?; Hard to find a small newer house; Why houses were particularly small in the 1930s and 40s.
Q&As: House size jump not so big when you take garages into account; Help for single Mum struggling with debt; Thanks from a reader — and to all the readers who help with this column.
Q&As: ACC recipient wants to get the best out of KiwiSaver; Should extra savings go into KiwiSaver?; How much should go into ‘cool’ investments, such as bitcoin and flash cars?; How one reader in 20s approached the property ownership issue.