Articles & Audio

NZ Herald 24 August 2013

Q&As: 64-year-old should get rid of mortgage — and join KiwiSaver if she’s not already in; Capital gains tax valuation idea could cause problems; How changes to the KiwiSaver first home subsidy would work; Overseas grandson can’t join KiwiSaver.

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NZ Herald 17 August 2013

Q&As: Young couple bonds over share investing; Possible issues with capital gains tax valuation date; 2 Q&As on retired farmer’s low investment return; Should KiwiSaver tax credit go to working 16 and 17-year-olds?

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NZ Herald 10 August 2013

Q&As: Retiree needs patience, but also needs to ask his adviser some hard questions; How assets would be valued if capital gains tax is introduced; Share investor’s success not quite so impressive when you look at how the whole market has performed; Raising NZ Super age would affect some more than others.

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NZ Herald 3 August 2013

Q&As: Reader’s shareholding success probably more luck than skill; There’ll always be renters, but that doesn’t mean we have to love landlords; Property investors with big debt take big risk — and why do they brag?; Older workers do take jobs from the young to some extent; KiwiSaver contributions not taken from redundancy pay; On quitting KiwiSaver to start a business.

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NZ Herald 27 July 2013

Q&As: Do older workers pinch jobs from young ones? And would new retirees spend up to avoid means testing?; Might a government force annuities onto KiwiSaver members?; How two landlords took a “nasty fall”; Is sexism raging in KiwiSaver?

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NZ Herald 6 July 2013

Q&As: Mother and son should probably go for the big trip; Reader confused — although not unhappy — with student loan rebate; Update on what’s happened to gold and silver prices; Type of mortgage would matter if bank defaults; Property and shares more alike than reader thinks; Diversification the best way; 2 more KiwiSaver providers that tell members about tax credit.

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NZ Herald 29 June 2013

Q&As: Will new OBR policy mean banks can take money out of our savings accounts?; How risky are our banks?; Why NZ doesn’t insure bank deposits, and bank credit ratings; KiwiSaver providers that alert members about tax credit top-ups; Property prices can indeed plunge over mere hours — sometimes.

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NZ Herald 22 June 2013

Q&As: What a reader should do with her money now that she’s paid off her student loan; Does your KiwiSaver provider offer this service?; Share prices move faster than property prices, but does it matter?; Some property investors overlook cash inputs.

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