NZ Herald 3 December 2016
Q&As: More pros and cons of KiwiSaver versus other investments; Paying down mortgage very effective after tax; Offset or revolving credit mortgage might suit reader; Meaningful Christmas gifts.
Q&As: More pros and cons of KiwiSaver versus other investments; Paying down mortgage very effective after tax; Offset or revolving credit mortgage might suit reader; Meaningful Christmas gifts.
Q&As: Better to put savings towards mortgage than emergency fund; How to weigh up KiwiSaver versus other saving; Reader not stuck with KiwiSaver provider, but costly to move; Reactions vary on discussion about which indexes to use.
One person’s take on the Fraud Film Festival; New Zealanders’ susceptibility to fraud; Tips on staying out of trouble online; How the experts try to tell if people are lying; Does upbringing lead to fraud?; How much integrity have we all got?
Q&As: NZ tops the world — so it might be better to wait to buy a house; KiwiSaver tax credit still $521; Share fund not so great — especially if you check what it’s measured against.
Q&As: Risky to put all your money in a single share; Reader recommends book and website about index funds; NZ research on active v passive similar to elsewhere; My maths is called into question; A reader doesn’t like debate in column…; …But another reader is happy; KiwiSaver rules if you move overseas.
Why some people are still not in KiwiSaver, or are on a contributions holiday. Part 1: Basically why you should be in; Should US election results affect KiwiSaver? Common reasons for not joining: Worries and fears; Bad experience with managed funds; Lack of trust of government; Fears about economy; Ethical reasons
Q&As: In retirement planning, first work out how long you’re likely to live; Did angry reader actually read my last column?; Another columnist and I battle it out over active v passive funds; Sometimes leasehold property works out well.
Q&As: Why I won’t publish list of top-performing share funds; What happens to KiwiSaver at 65…; …but what if you’ve been in the scheme less than 5 years?; Bad news for travelling teacher about NZ Super eligibility.
Eating your house: Ways to make use of the value of your house in retirement — Comfort for struggling younger savers?; Sell and buy smaller, but…; Various ways to share your home with others; Getting a break on rates; Reverse mortgages a.k.a. home equity release — a good idea?; FOLLOW-UP from last week to listener’s question on how to buy shares.
Q&As: Should we be getting out of property and shares?; Leasehold property not always a bad idea, but…; KiwiSaver tax credit numbers not quite right.