Holm Truths Autumn 2006
Stuff and happiness: Buying things you don’t really need. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Should a young man buy himself a house?
Stuff and happiness: Buying things you don’t really need. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Should a young man buy himself a house?
Q&As: Attitudes to student loans; Interest on student loans; Fear and share investment; Spending in retirement.
Another reason to spread your investments. I can think of three good reasons to hold lots of different shares, as opposed to one or just a few. Two reasons are obvious, but one is less so, even though it may be just as important.
Q&As: Buying a share on a rumour; Retiring at 40 (2 Q&As); Investing student loan money.
Q&As: Can he retire?, 40-year-old asks; Couple about to retire wonder if their expenses will drop as they get older; Student loan interest ends. What happens if you go overseas?
What we don’t know CAN hurt us. One of the first things journalists are taught is to make the first sentence of an article a “grabber”, something that will perhaps surprise readers and make them read on. So this column is officially starting now: Every New Zealander over 65 gets NZ Super, no matter how rich they are.
Q&As: Stick with share fund investments; Is it wise to depreciate if you’re selling your rental quite soon?; Tax treatment of the expenses of rebuilding leaky rental property.
Q&As: Man panicked and bailed out of share fund. No!; Real Estate Institute denies that it’s hard to buy a house in NZ.
The last word (hopefully) on taxation of rentals. Reader feedback keeps coming about the taxation of rental properties. So I’ve decided to go to the horse’s mouth, Inland Revenue. But first, a typical email on the subject…
Q&As: A landlord’s nightmare; Credit cards v eftpos; Optimism, pessismism and oil prices.