Articles & Audio

NZ Herald 1 November 2008

Q&As: There’s plenty of hope for worried KiwiSaver in 30s — on the home ownership front and elsewhere; National’s plans for KiwiSaver make mortgage diversion much less attractive for many. Plus: Readers’ comments on KiwiSaver.

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NZ Herald 25 October 2008

Q&As: Does KiwiSaver allow for earlier withdrawal for someone with Down syndrome?; Would having savings in KiwiSaver affect entitlement to benefits?; Does it make sense to look at productive and non-productive KiwiSavers?; Some property investors stand to gain from the current climate. Plus: Readers’ comments on KiwiSaver.

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NZ Herald 18 October 2008

Q&As: Everything you need to know about the government’s new deposit guarantee scheme; Under the new scheme, should we move our money from banks to covered finance companies?; Will KiwiSaver still be good for self-employed 62-year-old if National wins the election? Plus:Readers’ views on KiwiSaver.

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The Investor 14 October 2008

The facts on KiwiSaver plans. PLUS book giveaway winners. Forget the rhetoric; let’s look at the facts. The National Party’s plans for KiwiSaver would leave some better off, some worse off, some weighing up pros and cons — and more people in the scheme.

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NZ Herald 4 October 2008

Q&As: A happy share investor, and how you might get out of shares if you need to in the current market; How does KiwiSaver mortgage diversion work for someone with a “2 + 2” contribution arrangement? Plus: Winners of the Herald book giveaway.

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The Investor 30 September 2008

Tax cuts bring KiwiSaver into reach for many. The “I can’t afford KiwiSaver” excuse is about to get weaker for many New Zealanders. Tax cuts come into effect from October 1, and many families will also benefit from changes to the Working for Families tax credit and income threshold. The extra money will cover at least half of many people’s KiwiSaver contributions, sometimes more.

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