
NZ Herald 9 March 2024

– Help for couples with different attitudes to money
– Where to save for a baby’s future
– Worries about S&P500 index funds …
– … Investing in many index funds
– Did NZ Super Fund get it wrong?
– “Clever” taxpayers like Prime Minister?

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RNZ Radio 7 March 2024

How women and men invest differently — the good and bad
– Women run everyday money better
– But financial knowledge gap increases with age
– Retirement savings gap
– Women trade less — good!
– But women take too little risk
– Good news on parental leave and KiwiSaver

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NZ Herald 2 March 2024

– Keep investing, or get rid of that debt?
– Super Fund result doesn’t put me off passive funds
– Some readers dislike last week’s chauffeur letter…
– … While others love it
– Using tax loopholes “not open to criticism”?

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NZ Herald 24 February 2024

– Drip feeding savings can really add up
– Sell the rental and earn more elsewhere
– Prepare for rental property disasters
– Couple has to pay the chauffeur!
– Envy or pride? Reactions to letters from the rich
– Lunch out on NZ Super
– Everyone should have enduring powers of attorney (EPAs)
– Would a maximum tax be good?
– Decimal currency ripped off kids!

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RNZ Radio 22 February 2024

How would you do in this financial knowledge test? Plus silly reasons for not being in KiwiSaver
– 4 questions about personal finance
– Old did better than young, and women did better than men
– 7 reasons given for skipping KiwiSaver are all faulty

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NZ Herald 17 February 2024

– How should terminal cancer patient handle her money?
– Tax ideas:
   – Tax-free amount for low earners?
   – Get rid of cash?
   – Use GST only?
   – Don’t forget brightline test
– Yes, you have plenty to retire on…
– … Superannuitant gets along fine on just NZ Super

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NZ Herald 10 February 2024

– Rental is draining couple’s money. Should they sell?
– A reader and I disagree over tax
– Paying tax “buys civilization”
– What about the kids in the lolly shop?
– More info on how much you can spend in retirement
– 6 Q&As about people discovering unclaimed money

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RNZ Radio 8 February 2024

Update on ethical investing:
– Ethical investing is increasing in NZ
– But there’s still a way to go, says Mindful Money
– Impact investing also increasing
– Returns on ethical shares versus “sin stocks”

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NZ Herald 3 February 2024

– Pay your fair share, tax dodgers!
– Money in shares can disappear
– No ripoff at the start of NZ’s decimal currency
– Rules of thumb on spending in retirement …
– … What about the big expenses?
– Did anyone find treasure?
– Please keep your letters short

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NZ Herald 27 January 2024

– Is $4 million enough to retire on?
– Bank shares not the investment they were — but do banks need a break?
– Share investor has “No time for fund managers”
– Let teens make investment mistakes
– Insurance rip-off looks likely

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