NZ Herald 15 December 2012
Q&As: The pluses outweigh the minuses when putting kids into KiwiSaver; Some thoughts about reverse mortgages; Alternatives to reverse mortgages; An end of year message.
Q&As: The pluses outweigh the minuses when putting kids into KiwiSaver; Some thoughts about reverse mortgages; Alternatives to reverse mortgages; An end of year message.
Tricky questions to ponder on the beach walk. Summer holidays — a time to look beyond what’s happening in your life over the next week or so. How about the next 40 years?
Q&As: Child’s KiwiSaver account highly unlikely to shrink to zero; Family could do its own “reverse mortgage”; Some downsides of reverse mortgages.
Self-insurance eases the pain. Have you ever thought, as you pay hundreds of dollars yet again for car or house insurance that you never claim on, that it would be better to bank the premiums and use that money if something went wrong?
Q&As: Reverse mortgages can work well, if you know what you’re doing; Where to get comparable info on KiwiSaver fees; A parent’s worries about KiwiSaver are probably unfounded.