Shares and share funds

The Investor 17 May 2005

The message in the foot and mouth threat. The “Invest offshore” message was loud and clear the other day, after the news broke that somebody may have released foot and mouth disease on Waiheke Island. By the time you read this, the claim may have been proven a hoax. Here’s hoping so. If that’s the case, take warning from it.

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The Investor 3 May 2005

Index funds still the best, despite tax changes. An ice cream is still delicious without the chocolate dip. The same goes for index share funds. Since they made an appearance in New Zealand in the late 1990s, these funds have had a tax advantage over the other type of share funds, called active funds. It seems likely that the tax advantage will be removed soon. But even if it goes, I still think index funds are best.

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The Investor 19 April 2005

The inherent differences between property and share investments. There’s a fundamental difference between investing in shares and property, a reader says in an email. “With a stock there is always the risk of bankruptcy of the entity you invest in, and the investment you make becoming worthless,” he writes.

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The Investor 22 March 2005

Rentals not necessarily as good as they seem. Rental property is sometimes an excellent investment. There, I’ve said it, for all those who reckon I’m anti-rentals! Often, though, rentals are not quite as good as people think — and not just because the tax breaks are over-rated, as I said in my last column.

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The Investor 22 February 2005

Research shows how to invest in shares. Pictures may speak louder than words, but numbers speak loudly too at times. Some recent research shows, numerically, why it makes sense to: Stick with share investments when they lose value; Invest in both New Zealand and international shares.

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The Investor 8 February 2005

Higher returns don’t matter for the short term: They need time to work their magic. There’s more than one reason behind the old investment message that goes like this: If you need your money in just a few years invest your savings conservatively, but if you have a longer horizon take more risk.

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